Vancouver TheatreSports League Embraces Social Media Hilarity in #Nofilter – The LOL of TMI

Photo Credit: Sourced from VTSL

For the longest time, I resisted the allure of social media, but now that I’ve given in, I’ve become an almost obsessive checker of Instagram and Twitter. My boyfriend usually has to pry my phone away from me before I’ll actually pay attention to what he’s trying to tell me about his day. How can he positively compete with photos of people’s food, cats, and latest outfit? I’ve avoided posting photos of us with puppy eyes on social media, but it’s only a matter of time …

If it’s all starting to become ludicrous to you as well, you should definitely check out Vancouver TheatreSports League’s (VTSL) new show that pokes fun at our current digital, social media crazed age.

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Vancouver TheatreSports League Embraces Social Media Hilarity in #Nofilter – The LOL of TMI