Yaletown False Creek Art Walk

Time Top Photo: Rob Weiss

I adore the rain! Perhaps it is rooted in my deep infatuation and respect for our Coastal Rain Forest. Perhaps, it stems from my love of play. After all, who can resist the urge to splash and puddle jump? Despite my adoration for rainfall warnings and low-pressure weather patterns, even I can find a dull, rainy winter day a little gloomy. It was on one of those funky wet, grey days I decided to head outdoors for an invigorating walk. Wanting a blend of cosmopolitan and ocean, I determined that Yaletown would be my destination of choice.

A False Creek Photo: Rob Weiss

Because of the dreary weather, I was virtually alone on the seawall. Bundled up in my rain gear, with time on my hands, I seized the opportunity to partake in a self-guided Yaletown Walking Art Tour.    Although I have travelled this circuit on countless occasions, I must confess that I have never really spent time observing and appreciating the public art installations. Shame on me! From “Time Top” to “Welcome to the Land of Light”, these brilliant pieces capture the area’s natural and industrial history and explore our deep connection to the sea and the changing tides of False Creek.

Lookout Photo: Rob Weiss

Soaked to the skin, I took the opportunity to seek shelter at “Lookout.” More than a shelter, this work consists of two glass-roofed pavilions, cut-out silhouettes and cantilevered glass panels. Words have been sandblasted into the glass panels, and as I stood gazing out over the water from this fantastic viewing portal, I contemplated the significance of the words. “Sleeping Cars, Mudflats Expo, Harbour Seals,” the list went on. What a tremendous celebration of place!

Brush with Illumination  Photo: Rob Weiss

Hardpressed to pick a favourite, I did find myself captivated by Buster Simpson’s Brush with Illumination. Located in the water off David Lam Park, this unique interactive sculpture resembles a calligraphy brush. Designed to respond to environmental changes, the massive installation rotates and rocks with the tides, winds and waves. In constant motion, the structure also serves as a solar-powered data-gathering apparatus. Captured data is transmitted wirelessly to shore and logged via the internet where viewers can log in and enjoy an ongoing movie of linked images and sounds centered around a sundial presentation. This unique combination of art, environment and science was fascinating and thought-provoking. Truth be told, my rainy day walk gave me a deeper appreciation and understanding of our kinship with the sea.

Red Horizontal Photo: Rob Weiss

Embarking on your own self-guided tour? Download this guide and enjoy a three-kilometre walk along Yaletown’s streets and paths.

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