Take a Vancouver Staycation this Holiday Season

Hampton Inn Hotel staycation

Photo: Jana Josue-McLaren

It’s time to stay close to home, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take care of ourselves and play tourist in our town. What better way to play tourist than with a staycation in your favourite Downtown Vancouver neighbourhood? It’s time for some self-care as your re-explore our city’s wonder with festive and fresh eyes.

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Take a Vancouver Staycation this Holiday Season

5 unique places to buy holiday gifts in Vancouver

Got Craft | Things To Do In Vancouver This Weekend

Photo Credit – Got Craft (facebook)

If you’ve stepped into a store lately, you might be thinking that the holidays are just around the corner. Luckily, we’ve still got some time to go in order to make the most of the festive holiday shopping.

For those not interested in department stores, there are plenty of fun options around Vancouver for some unique holiday gift shopping. So whether you’re looking to support local artists, find something wacky for that weird uncle of yours, or you just want to treat yourself to something nice, here’s a starter list for some unique shopping ideas in Vancouver.

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5 unique places to buy holiday gifts in Vancouver

What Colour is Your Umbrella? – Vancouver’s Rainy Days


Photo: Rob Weiss

Last weekend, attempting an early start on my Christmas shopping, I visited Vancouver’s downtown core for a day of commerce and exploration.  Braving the elements, I ventured along the busy city streets in search of whimsical trinkets and treasures. Worn-out after hours of pounding the pavement, I decided to enjoy a well-timed, and well-earned coffee break in one of Vancouver’s welcoming corner cafes.  Savouring my drink, enjoying the warmth and ambiance and biding my time, I began to people watch.

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What Colour is Your Umbrella? – Vancouver’s Rainy Days

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