Vancouver’s cocktail innovation began roughly fifteen years ago with establishments rooted in the history and craft of drink-making.
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Could public drinking be allowed in Vancouver?
The provincial government is discretely floating the idea of allowing public consumption of alcohol in specific locations, according to a report in the Vancouver Sun. Earlier this month, municipalities across the province were asked for feedback on a little-known provision of B.C.’s liquor laws allowing the designation of special public spaces where liquor can be consumed.
On the books since the 1970s, the provision has apparently never been used. But momentum is gathering. Any change would bring to an end a long-standing policy of strictly prohibiting public consumption of alcohol. Though it’s not uncommon to see “brown-baggers” at Vancouver’s parks and beaches during the summer months, anyone who consumes alcohol in public is technically breaking the law and could be ticketed. Continue reading:
No more brown bag? Vancouver mulls prospect of public drinking