Mother’s Day Pack from Granville Island

Shower Mom with love this Mother’s Day with hand-selected goodies from Granville Island while supporting the hardworking merchants on Granville Island.

Granville Island is where families in Vancouver celebrate Canada Day, and spend long summer days by False Creek and in the market. Granville Island businesses are small, independent artisans, and craftsman who need your support now more than ever before. Help these businesses survive by ordering from Granville Island Foodie Delivery.

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Mother’s Day Pack from Granville Island

Pre-Holiday Deals on Dine Out Vancouver Hotels, Airfare, and Reservations

We’re deep into December now; lights are a-twinkling, cheeks are a-rosying, holiday music is a-blasting and the stores are bustling with hasty shoppers and towering displays. Soon enough, we’ll have counted down to 2018, and with the deep exhale of January brings the chance to get away for a relaxing winter vacation that’s all your own. In Vancouver, the Dine Out Vancouver Festival will begin on January 19th, and now is the time to plan for your culinary getaway with these limited-time offers.

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Pre-Holiday Deals on Dine Out Vancouver Hotels, Airfare, and Reservations

Holiday Dining and Gift Ideas Across Vancouver and the Lower Mainland for Foodies

Just keep these on hand in case you need a sugar hit this season. | Image by By Lenée Son

Just keep these on hand in case you need a sugar hit this season. | Image by By Lenée Son

There’s an unspoken collective agreement that December is the time where you get to gorge yourself on as much as you want, which makes it an especially wonderful time to share great food and beverages among all the people you like best. The diversity of the ingredients and of the people in our corner of the world makes shopping anything but local totally unnecessary – so while you’re thinking of treats and decadent dinners, why not have all that blissful gluttony also support creative locals who are super passionate about feeding it? reaches across the Lower Mainland from Metro Vancouver to The Fraser Valley to tell food stories about the ingredients, the place, and of course, the growers, makers, and business owners that make it all thrive together. You can find pretty much anything you’re craving made right here.

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Holiday Dining and Gift Ideas Across Vancouver and the Lower Mainland for Foodies

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