Get ready for the 2016 Perseid Meteor Shower in Vancouver

meteor shower vancouver

Time to brush up on your photography skills…

If you haven’t had the chance to see a shooting star before, you’re in luck. Twice as many meteors as usual are expected to streak across the skies during this year’s Perseid meteor shower, which will peak August 11-12 in a particularly remarkable star show.

The Perseid meteor shower occurs when the Earth travels through the debris of the comet Swift-Tuttle. This year, Earth will be closer than usual to the comet trails, making for what scientists call an “outburst.” Or, as non-scientists call it, a really cool light show!

Those in the Metro Vancouver area are in luck this year, because the forecast is calling for clear skies, making it an excellent opportunity for stargazing.

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Get ready for the 2016 Perseid Meteor Shower in Vancouver

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