How to Go Mountain Biking Near Vancouver

A mountain biker hits a jump in the forest

Photo: Destination BC/Stirl and Rae Photo

In the 1980s and 90s, Vancouver mountain bikers pioneered gnarly and technical riding with tons of woodwork. These days you can ride classic jank or smooth flow in several different zones. Here’s everything you need to know about mountain biking near Vancouver.

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How to Go Mountain Biking Near Vancouver

Learn the History Behind the Names of Vancouver’s North Shore Mountains

North Shore Mountains from Vancouver

The North Shore Mountains from Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver. Photo: Destination BC/Jordan Manley

Vancouver’s North Shore Mountains provide a stunning backdrop for our city. You may know the names of some of the peaks, but do you know the stories behind them? Here’s a brief look into the history of the names of the local mountains.

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Learn the History Behind the Names of Vancouver’s North Shore Mountains

8 Beginner-Friendly Places to Mountain Bike Near Vancouver

mountain bikers on a trail in North Vancouver, BC

Photo Credit: Vancouver’s North Shore Tourism

The Vancouver area is known around the world as a mountain biking destination. Since the late 80s and 90s, local riders and trail builders have been at the forefront of the mountain bike scene. That means Vancouver has lots of gnarly trails for expert riders. But if you’re just starting out, don’t be intimidated: there are tons of beginner-friendly trails in the Vancouver area too. Here’s run-down on some local riding areas.

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8 Beginner-Friendly Places to Mountain Bike Near Vancouver

It’s All Downhill From Here – Mountain Biking on Vancouver’s North Shore

Photo courtesy of NSMBA Peter Lonergan Mount Seymour

While skiers and boarders passionately carve out every last turn on the North Shore, local mountain bike enthusiasts are watching the ever-rising snow level with bated breath! Yes, spring is in the air, and with that comes the ever popular Mountain Biking season. The change of seasons means outdoor enthusiasts are trading in their boards for wheels and migrating to the extensive trail system on Mount Fromme, Cypress Mountain and Mount Seymour.

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It’s All Downhill From Here – Mountain Biking on Vancouver’s North Shore

Got Mud? Hiking the Big Cedar Trail to Kennedy Falls, North Vancouver

Kennedy Falls Flickr Colin Knowles

Kennedy Falls Photo: Flickr, Colin Knowles

Mount Fromme, a mecca for local mountain bikers is considered by many to be the crown jewel of the North Shore, but don’t be fooled by the men and women riding the trails.  Day hikers are also welcome in the area and the Big Cedar trail to Kennedy Falls is a must see.  Who can resist a 600+ year old red cedar, cascading waterfalls, boulders, deadfall and creek crossings?  I know I can’t!

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Got Mud? Hiking the Big Cedar Trail to Kennedy Falls, North Vancouver

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