Sock puppets, an octopus and more at the NSFW film fest for the open-minded adult

Short, sexy films covering workplace power dynamics, playful doggie cosplay, and a dreamy animated octopus are coming to Vancouver this weekend.

Born and bred in the great Pacific Northwest, Dan Savage’s HUMP! Film Festival has been bringing audiences a new kind of porn since 2005.

The annual short film festival features erotic and explicit clips from amateur filmmakers. Popular syndicated sex columnist Dan Savage curates the sex-positive program, which is an all-inclusive cornucopia of body types, shapes, ages, colours, sexualities, genders, kinks, and fetishes.

The annual festival premieres a new program each fall in Seattle and Portland. In the meantime, however, the touring edition of the 12th annual compilation is coming to Vancouver’s Rio Theatre this weekend, Sept. 14-16. Read about some of the NSFW entries below.

You’ve Got Tail—A mail carrier encounters more than just a vigilant housepet in this one. Canada Post was never like this!

The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife—It sounds innocent enough. But this animated short features an octopus and a lonely woman.

Birthday Boss—Phone sex session and office power dynamics combine in Birthday Boss, winner in the Best Humor category.

Sock Puppet—A musical number that features sock puppets, xylophones, and, uhm, more.

Playing Scrabble—You’ll never look at the board game the same way after viewing this short, which features clowns, and, uhm, more. Suffice it to say, it took home the “Best Kink” award.

Fair warning: as the festival notes, “HUMP! is a celebration of creative sexual expression. You will see films at HUMP! that shock you. You will see films at HUMP! that make you laugh. And you will see films at HUMP! that turn you on. You will also be touched by the sincerity and vulnerability with which these films are lovingly made.”

The 12th annual HUMP! Film Festival screens twice nightly at the Rio, at 1660 E. Broadway, at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Advance tickets are available here.

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