See ‘an exorbitant amount of computer-generated cats’ this Saturday at Vancity Theatre!

Sandrine Pinna plays an imperial consort in Legend of the Demon Cat.

Vancity Theatre (1181 Seymoure St.) is screening the blockbuster The Legend of the Demon Cat this Saturday, Feb. 9.

A “cavalcade of lush decor, extravagant coloring, and a delightfully exorbitant amount of computer-generated cats” (, the film is a 2017 Chinese-Japanese co-production. Find out more below.

The Legend of the Demon Cat is based on Master Kukai: Ghost Banquet in the Tang Dynasty, a four-volume novel by Japanese science fiction and adventure writer Baku Yumemakura.

The story is set during the reign of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) Emperor Dezong. Yang Guifei, or the Esteemed Concubine Yang, was the beloved consort of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang until he ordered she be strangled to death during the An Lushan Rebellion (755-63). The movie opens with a series of mysterious murders believed to have been committed by a cat that once belonged to Guifei. calls the film “a visually and mentally seductive piece of historic revisionism… Amid an ever-present ghoulish vibe, the enigmatic plot keeps audiences wondering if the cat really has supernatural powers, or whether it’s a decoy for some human conspiracy. Recurring encounters with a melon vendor with magic tricks up his sleeve paves the way for more dazzling, and more dangerous illusionist gambits.”

Legend of the Demon Cat screens Saturday Feb. 9 at 9:30 p.m. at Vancity Theatre. Visit for tickets.

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