Vancouver TheatreSports Plays the Class Clown

This week marks for many people the start of a new year, a new school year, that is. The annual rite of returning to school after Labour Day is filled with anticipation, excitement, and sometimes a bit of dread.

Vancouver TheatreSports, never ones to miss a comic opportunity, are launching a new show that finds hilarity in detention, school supplies, and especially homework.

From now until October 12, 2019, Vancouver TheatreSports (VTS) will be running Back to School TheatreSports Tuesdays to Saturdays at 7:30pm.

As always, each night, VTS will be performing an improv show that is unlike any other one, as they build skits and scenes around audience suggestions. TheatreSports relies on the creativity and enthusiasm of the audience, as well as the sharp wits and quick-on-their-feet inventiveness of the players.

This school-themed show will see two groups of ‘students’ vying to pass by winning the approval of their ‘examiners’ (a.k.a. audience members). In classic TheatreSports games, teams composed of a variety of quintessential school character types (e.g. the popular kids, the geeks) will get the audience chuckling over scenes that are academically inspired. All of these antics will be overseen by their ‘principal’, who will be the school-themed referee for the evening. Players need to beware of the looming threat of detention if they break a rule in any of their acting.

Back to School TheatreSports is bound to make you nostalgic about your school days through familiar skits involving lockers, skipping class, cramming for exams, lunchroom antics, and romantic crushes. Or, if you’re still in school, the scenes will definitely satirize your day-to-day reality. Besides, everyone needs a bit of comic relief before hitting the books again.

Also upcoming is the 2019 International Theatresports Institute Festival hosted this year by VTS. The Festival runs from October 15- 20, 2019, at The Improve Centre, The Waterfront Theatre, and The Nest (except for one show that takes place on a bus).

Highlights include El Jaguar Fiesta Tour of Vancouver (October 18-20, 2019, 5pm) in which a masked Mexican luchador provides a tongue-in-cheek tour of the city; LifeGame (October 17-18, 2019, 7:30pm) in which a biography of an audience member is brought to life on the stage; and The Toys Strike Back (October 19-20, 2019, 2pm and 4pm), a family friendly performance (children 5 years and older) to which kid audience members are invited to bring a toy that may become part of the show’s narrative.

Further info and tickets can be found on-line.

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