Beyond King Tut: A New Immersive Storytelling Experience from National Geographic Begins November 4 in Vancouver

Beyond King Tut: The Immersive Experience, a new exhibition developed in partnership with the National Geographic Society, will bring the magic and mystery of Ancient Egypt to Vancouver beginning Friday, November 4 for a limited run at the Vancouver Convention Centre East. Continue reading:
Beyond King Tut: A New Immersive Storytelling Experience from National Geographic Begins November 4 in Vancouver

North America’s First Immersive Experience Focused on King Tut to Arrive in Vancouver this Fall

Beyond King Tut: The Immersive Experience, a new exhibition developed in partnership with the National Geographic Society, commemorates the 100th anniversary of one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time. As the first Canadian city named to host the highly anticipated exhibition, Vancouver will welcome Beyond King Tut to the Vancouver Convention Centre East this October.

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North America’s First Immersive Experience Focused on King Tut to Arrive in Vancouver this Fall

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