Bill Reid Gallery Presents True to Place: stímetstexw tel xéltel

Photo: Carrielynn Victor

Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art presents the Canadian premiere exhibition of True to Place: stímetstexw tel xéltel from June 15, 2022–March 19, 2023. Curated by artist and muralist Xémontalót Carrielynn Victor (Stó:lō), True to Place: stímetstexw tel xéltel examines the artistic practice of 10 Northwest Coast Indigenous artists, whose expanding boundaries and embracing of contemporary styles and techniques are informed by personal and collective traditions of form, story, and place. The group exhibition explores a spectrum of colour palettes – from bright neons to muted ochres – and features painting on a variety of mediums, including canvas, wood, paper, sculptural forms, traditional basketry, as well as digital creations. Continue reading:
Bill Reid Gallery Presents True to Place: stímetstexw tel xéltel

Experience Indigenous Culture in Vancouver

The city of Vancouver was founded in 1886, but it has been home to the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations since time immemorial. Discover a new perspective as you experience Indigenous history and culture in Vancouver. #thisisvancouver

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Experience Indigenous Culture in Vancouver

Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art presents Sho Sho Esquiro: Doctrine of Discovery

Sho Sho Esquiro / Photo: Bill Reid Gallery

Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art presents the Canadian premiere exhibition of Sho Sho Esquiro: Doctrine of Discovery from September 22, 2021–June 5, 2022. The solo exhibition by award-winning designer, artist, and activist Sho Sho Esquiro showcases meticulously crafted couture gowns, raw textiles, paintings and photographs to celebrate the beauty, strength and resilience of First Nations communities in the face of historical and ongoing trauma. Curated by Miranda Belarde-Lewis, Sho Sho Esquiro: Doctrine of Discovery inspires conversations around genocidal colonial practices, confronts the theft and murder of Indigenous women and children, and honours activists on the front lines.

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Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art presents Sho Sho Esquiro: Doctrine of Discovery

Bill Reid Gallery Presents Indigenous History in Colour

Luke Parnell, Arts of the Raven, 2014, Acrylic on canvas. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid. Courtesy MKG127.

Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art presents the Western Canadian premiere of Indigenous History in Colour from February 3, 2021–May 9, 2021. This solo exhibition by Luke Parnell is a powerful exploration of the relationship between Northwest Coast Indigenous oral histories, conceptual art, and traditional form line design. Indigenous History in Colour’s multidisciplinary analysis of the shifting perspectives of Northwest Coast art in modern history challenges contemporary discourse on notions of reconciliation and representation today. Continue reading:
Bill Reid Gallery Presents Indigenous History in Colour

Bill Reid Gallery: Resurgence – Indigiqueer Identities

Two Spirits at the Carnival Stations of the Cross. By Levi Nelson, Oil, acrylic on canvas, 2019. Private collection.

The Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art presents the exhibition Resurgence: Indigiqueer Identities, curated by Jordana Luggi – which celebrates the deeply personal and profound work of four emerging artists – and their unique identities and stories as queer Indigenous people, on display October 21, 2020 – January 24, 2021. Continue reading:
Bill Reid Gallery: Resurgence – Indigiqueer Identities

Things to Do in Vancouver This Weekend

For yourself or for the fathers in your life, there is a lot of fun to be had this weekend. The Queer Arts Festival opens, there’s free family events at the Bill Reid Gallery, symphony, comedy, football, drag, burlesque, a car show, and behind-the-scenes tours of the Commodore Ballroom.

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Things to Do in Vancouver This Weekend

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