The 5th Annual Vancouver Curry Cup Promises to Spice Up Your Palate

Prawns, fish cake and braised chicken in spicy roasted crab and coconut curry broth with rice noodles, tofu puff, and quail’s egg (Longtail Kitchen); Photo Credit: Beadle

With the still chilly winter temperatures, you may find yourself craving food with lively and comforting heat. If so, you’re in luck with the return of the Curry Cup, now in its fifth incarnation.

Held by the Chef’s’ Table Society of BC, the much anticipated event promises to be a sampling of eight different curries from renowned local chefs, a fierce culinary competition, a celebration of drink and food, and a fundraiser for worthy causes.

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The 5th Annual Vancouver Curry Cup Promises to Spice Up Your Palate

4th Annual Curry Cup Spices things up with a Curry Themed Cook-Off!

curry cup vancouver 2017

Image courtesy of Chefs’ Table Society of British Columbia

It’s a battle of the spices! On Monday, March 6 from 6:30pm – 9:30pm, you’re invited to sample some of the best and most innovative curry dishes at the 4th annual Vancouver Curry Cup.

A hotly anticipated event, the Curry Cup is a competition between eight Vancouver chefs from renowned restaurants for the best curry. Your ticket will get you the chance to sample some of these exciting curry dishes, each unique in its own right with diverse flavours from around the world. At the end of the day, only one curry dish will be crowned champion!

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4th Annual Curry Cup Spices things up with a Curry Themed Cook-Off!

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