Gym Class Meets Nightclub: Fitness Rave Comes to Granville Street, April 26

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Chances are you’ve never been to a gym class quite like this.

Flashing lights. Pounding music. Hundreds of sweaty bodies. No, it’s not another club night on Granville Street – it’s Vancouver’s latest fitness craze.

A new form of getting fit has made it’s way to the city: the fitness rave. It’s the brainchild of a local training company called BeLive Fitness, which borrowed the concept from cities like New York and San Francisco.  The idea: turn exercise into a social experience; get people out of the gym and into a nightclub; turn up the music, turn down the lights and rave your way to better health.

BeLive Fitness has already earned a cult following with it’s regular fitness raves at the Caprice nightclub on Granville Street. Held in the early evening on weekday nights, the events regularly sell out, drawing a diverse crowd of hundreds of fitness and music aficionados looking for something different.  Continue reading:
Gym Class Meets Nightclub: Fitness Rave Comes to Granville Street, April 26