5 Short Nature Walks Around Vancouver Perfect for March Weather

A woman taking photos of ducks, geese and swans at Lost Lagoon in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC

Spotting wildlife at Lost Lagoon in Stanley Park. Photo: Destination Vancouver / Suzanne Rushton

With parks and greenspaces throughout the city, it’s easy to explore nature in Vancouver. These five short walks are perfect for connecting with local ecosystems this March.

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5 Short Nature Walks Around Vancouver Perfect for March Weather

7 Ways to Get Outdoors in Delta

Viewing platform at Deas Island Regional Park

Wildlife viewing platform at Deas Island Regional Park. Photo: Metro Vancouver Regional Parks

Surrounded by the Fraser River and the Pacific Ocean, Delta has lots of great places to experience the outdoors. Ride your bike, take a nature walk, go bird watching, and lots more.

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7 Ways to Get Outdoors in Delta

April 2022 Vancouver Hike of the Month: Reifel Bird Sanctuary

A group of Sandhill Cranes at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary near Vancouver

A group of Sandhill Cranes. Photo: Tjflex2/Flickr. Used under CC BY-ND 2.0

The George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary is a great spot for a spring hike as ducks, geese, songbirds, and shorebirds stop by on migrations or settle in for nesting season. Use our trail guide to follow a 4.5-kilometre loop that hits all the major bird viewing sites.

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April 2022 Vancouver Hike of the Month: Reifel Bird Sanctuary

Find a Birding Spot Near Vancouver on the BC Bird Trail

Northern Flicker woodpecker

Northern Flicker Woodpecker. Photo Scottslm on Pixabay.

Did you know that British Columbia is on the Pacific Flyway, a major north-south migration route for birds flying between Alaska and Patagonia? That means that the Vancouver area is a great spot to go birding! The BC Bird Trail is a new initiative designed to help you find the best places to bird watch across BC. To get you started, here are a few BC Bird Trail locations near Vancouver.

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Find a Birding Spot Near Vancouver on the BC Bird Trail

Vancouver’s Dawn Chorus

The Birds, Artist, Myfanwy MacLeod Photo: Rob Weiss

Spring has sprung! Listen. Early mornings mean glorious sunrises and delightful songbirds, and for those inclined to get outdoors at the crack of dawn, a symphony of sound awaits. It’s true. Mother Nature regularly treats us to a melodic chorus as the songbirds announce the start of a new day.  It’s a soundtrack I adore. Of course, I am an early riser, often accused of being too perky, so grabbing my steaming cup of coffee and venturing outside to catch the first chirps and tweets is something I look forward to. Truth be told dawn is the optimum time to tune-in.

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Vancouver’s Dawn Chorus

Birds in the 604 – Vancouver Bird Week

Sandhill Cranes Photo Credit: Best Places to Bird in BC

Not just tourists are flocking to Vancouver this spring! May 6 – 13, 2017 marks Vancouver Bird Week, a tremendous celebration of our fine, feathered friends. “From bird nerd to bird curious, from wise old owl to adventurous tot” the jam-packed program of events offers something for everyone. Join the flock and participate in workshops, lectures, walks, exhibitions and numerous free activities offered throughout the city.

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Birds in the 604 – Vancouver Bird Week

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