Bill Reid Gallery Presents True to Place: stímetstexw tel xéltel

Photo: Carrielynn Victor

Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art presents the Canadian premiere exhibition of True to Place: stímetstexw tel xéltel from June 15, 2022–March 19, 2023. Curated by artist and muralist Xémontalót Carrielynn Victor (Stó:lō), True to Place: stímetstexw tel xéltel examines the artistic practice of 10 Northwest Coast Indigenous artists, whose expanding boundaries and embracing of contemporary styles and techniques are informed by personal and collective traditions of form, story, and place. The group exhibition explores a spectrum of colour palettes – from bright neons to muted ochres – and features painting on a variety of mediums, including canvas, wood, paper, sculptural forms, traditional basketry, as well as digital creations. Continue reading:
Bill Reid Gallery Presents True to Place: stímetstexw tel xéltel

Curator Beth Carter Talks About Bill Reid’s Legacy and Contemporary Northwest Coast Art

Bill Reid carving the plaster model of The Spirit of Haida Gwaii, 1986; Photo provided by Bill Reid Gallery

In 2008, the Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art was launched to celebrate the work and continue the legacy of Bill Reid, an iconic and master goldsmith, sculptor, and carver, in addition to broadcaster, writer, and activist. “His influence and his ongoing inspiration for young emerging artists today is very special,” says Curator Beth Carter.

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Curator Beth Carter Talks About Bill Reid’s Legacy and Contemporary Northwest Coast Art

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