Filming in Vancouver: Fresh Off the Boat stars, 1990s tech bubble, Canadian medical drama

Fresh Off the Boat star Ali Wong will visit Vancouver to shoot a Netflix film with her costar Randall Park.

Lots has been happening in Vancouver’s screen scene over the past few weeks, particularly on the TV side of things, and there are also some new projects on the horizon.

Two new productions will be coming to town in the near future, one that features cast and crew from Fresh Off the Boat and the other a historical Canadian medical drama.

Speaking of history, a docudrama series will start depicting the 1990s tech bubble. Meanwhile, a number of TV pilots are calling it a wrap.

Here’s a rundown of what’s going on in the local film and TV industry this week.

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Filming in Vancouver: Fresh Off the Boat stars, 1990s tech bubble, Canadian medical drama

Filming in Vancouver: The Predator’s back, Sacred Lies starts, TV pilots abound

A big baddie is back in town—for additional shooting for The Predator.

It’s TV pilot season, with a whole batch being shot in Vancouver this month. If all goes well and they’re greenlit, it could mean a whole bunch of new TV series will be shot in the city in the near future.

There’s also a creepy alien movie back in town, a creepy classical-music thriller calling it a wrap, and a creepy TV series about a girl without hands shooting its first season.

Hopefully all this creepiness is intriguing because here’s this week’s rundown of what’s going on in Vancouver’s screen scene.

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Filming in Vancouver: The Predator’s back, Sacred Lies starts, TV pilots abound

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