Vancouver’s Mott 32 Promotes Sustainability by Offering Plant-Based Chinese Dishes

Photo: Leila Kwok

With the upcoming Lunar New Year, many diners may wish to start 2023 by shifting to more plant-based eating. One option is Mott 32, which features a plant-based menu and a commitment to sustainability and to greater environmental consciousness.

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Vancouver’s Mott 32 Promotes Sustainability by Offering Plant-Based Chinese Dishes

5 Ways to Enjoy Vancouver’s Diverse Chinese Cuisine

Mott 32; Photo: Leila Kwok

Vancouver has been lauded as having the best Chinese food in North America. With the city’s vibrant Chinese population as well as its Pacific Rim location, Vancouver has a long history of Chinese cuisine, one that continues to evolve.

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5 Ways to Enjoy Vancouver’s Diverse Chinese Cuisine