Get your ABBA on! Mamma Mia! returns.

Mamma Mia Cast Kyra Belle Johnson Kat Borrelli Christina Eskridge Laura Michelle Hughes Sarah Smith Erin Fish Stephen Eckelmann Justin Goei Max Ehrlich Andrew Tebo Ryan M Hunt Chad w Fornwalt Joshua Taylor Hamilton Ensemble Niki Badua Cashless Butler Lily Dickinson Joshua Taylor Hamilton Mathew Helfer Marcus John Michael Lindsey Todd Macintyre Rebecca Mason-Wygal Paige McNamara Yale Reich Dustin Harris Smith Julia Cassandra Smith Chris Villain Swings Kylie Brunngraber Juan Guillen Stephanie Inglese Danny Lopez

Mamma Mia! is a tale of mothers and daughters. But it’s really about the great songs from ABBA.

You can’t keep a good musical down. And when that musical is based on the music of ABBA, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Mamma Mia!, the international hit musical, is coming back to Vancouver for a March 29-April 3 run at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre (650 Hamilton St.). Sure, the story is as slight as frosting on a three-tiered wedding cake, but the music is fabulous. Both cast and audience have a blast, and everyone walks away humming “Does Your Mother Know.” What more can you ask from a night out?

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Get your ABBA on! Mamma Mia! returns.