13 Impressive Buildings in Vancouver

photo: Jack Hunter

photo: Jack Hunter

populistPopulist is Vancouver’s cinematic city guide, showcasing everything that’s happening in the city through video – Your hub for where to go, what to do and who to see. Populist is run by Film and TV Producer, Rebecca Traub and Broadcast Journalist, Blanca Blandon (aka YinYang). Follow the fun at thisispopulist.com.

Walking around Vancouver, it’s impossible to go very far without noticing a cool building. Our architecture has developed over the years into what is now as the “West Coast Style.” We’re fortunate to have a mix of modern and older buildings to lend to the character of this and by famed architects including Canadian Arthur Erickson. If you live in Vancouver, you’ve definitely come across some of the buildings on this list and if you’re visiting the city – you’ll want to check these out.

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13 Impressive Buildings in Vancouver