Ready for an epic workout? The Grouse Grind is now open for the 2018 season!

grouse grind vancouver 2018

Photo: janheuninck | Inside Vancouver Flickr pool

It’s officially Grouse Grinding season! Today is the first day that the Grouse Grind is open for the 2018 hiking season. The trail will remain open every day from 6:15am until 6:00pm. That is, until Tuesday, May 22, 2018, when the trail will close for a week for seasonal safety maintenance.

The trail is open thanks to the warm temperatures that we have been enjoying for the last few weeks. But–keep in mind–there is still snow at the top of the mountain, so remember to pack an extra layer for the top to prepare for colder conditions.

The Grouse Grind is one of the best outdoor workouts in the city with 2.9 kilometers of grueling, uphill terrain. Just 2,380 stairs will take you to the top of the Peak of Vancouver (Grouse Mountain) for some well-earned views and a pint of frosty beer. Maybe a pound of fries or a huge plate of nachos if you really want to spoil yourself!

grouse grind vancouver 2018

Photo Credit: Grouse Mountain

Each year, over 150,000 people hike the train of varying abilities. On average, it takes up to an hour and a half to complete the hike. But, if you’re a beginner and never done it before, it can take up to two hours (or more). For those that are really in shape, you can try and beat the fastest grouse grind time set by Sebastian Salas of Vancouver who completed the trail in just under 24 minutes.

If you’ve never done the Grouse Grind before, check out the Grouse Mountain website’s FAQ section to learn more about conquering “Mother Nature’s Stairmaster”.

First time? A few tips for beginners:

  1. Take it slow, this might take a while
  2. Bring a lot of water and some snacks for a boost of energy if necessary
  3. The first ¼ is often thought to be the hardest part – so don’t get discouraged when you see that first marker in the far-off distance.
  4. Wear appropriate gear (workout clothes) and proper footwear (it’s a hike)
  5. If you’re feeling tired and like you can’t go on anymore, just keep heading up – no matter how slow you’re going. Downhill travel is technically prohibited on the trail.
grouse grind vancouver 2018

Image from Grouse Mountain

Need more tips? Check out this article by Miranda Post on 5 more tips for Grouse Grind first timers. It’s an exhausting and demanding experience, but it’s definitely worth it. In fact, it’s almost addictive!

Learn more about the Grouse Grind here.

Do you have any tips for doing the Grouse Grind? Any traditions you would like to share? Tell us in the comments section below.

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