Passion, sex, love and despair fuel Jacquie Somerville’s One Woman After Dark

“It’s a true story of intense passion, explosive sex, heartbreak, and the deepest unconditional love,” reads the media release about Jacquie Somerville’s story of falling in love with a younger man at the age of 46. The Vancouver-raised, Los Angeles-based author (My Fat Little Rule Book, My Scandalous Little Rule Book) brings her show One Woman After Dark home to the Annex Theatre (823 Seymour St.) Nov. 2. Find out more below.

Somerville is an in-demand speaker who travels the world inspiring women and girls to live life with passion and purpose, says the media release. One Woman After Dark is the next step up from her signature keynote address, Life is Too Short for Boring Sex—How Passionate Love and Great Sex Can Unleash Your Genius!

The media release shares this quote from Somerville: “With my One Woman After Dark show, I take my audience on my passionate journey to staggering emotional depths of despair and physical heights of ecstasy few ever experience What I discover along the way is that when you are possessed by love, you feel like you can do anything.”

The one-night show is part of a Canadian tour. The Beautiful Man, her latest book, will be available for pre-order. You can find out more by visiting

One Woman After Dark

When: Sat Nov 2

Where: The Annex Theatre, 823 Seymour St.

Tickets: $69USD at jacquiesomerville/tickets

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