5 Eateries Serving Up Scrumptious Vegetarian Brunch in Vancouver

vegetarian brunch Vancouver

Photo: Nuba

One of my personal goals for 2020 is to expose my tastebuds to more vegetarian and plant-based meals when I’m out and about. Lucky for me (and you!), there’s no shortage of vegetarian restaurant options in Vancouver. To keep things streamlined, today’s focus will be all about brunch—(almost) everyone’s favourite meal, and certainly mine.

Here are five restaurants serving up scrumptious vegetarian brunch in Vancouver. You won’t miss the bacon—I promise.

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5 Eateries Serving Up Scrumptious Vegetarian Brunch in Vancouver

Your 2020 Vancouver Wellness Bucket List (July to December)

wellness bucket list

Photo: Grouse Mountain

Now that you’ve had a chance to sort out your 2020 Vancouver wellness bucket list for January to June, it’s time to plan ahead for the rest of the year. (I know. It’s not even Spring yet, but it’s never to early to mark your calendar for something fun!) Wellness comes in many forms, and there’s something unique for everyone throughout the year.

This is your Vancouver wellness bucket list for July through December.

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Your 2020 Vancouver Wellness Bucket List (July to December)

Spring is Coming – Vancouver Gardens to Wander and Explore

Photo: Yasmine Hardcastle

Spring is in the air, and not only are the cherry blossoms coming out to play, all the flowers are starting to show off their petals and colours. Which means that Vancouver is about to get even more beautiful and the warmer temperatures will allow for some peaceful wandering and picnics in the city’s attractive garden spaces. Pull up a bench or get your step on at Vancouver’s gorgeous gardens!

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Spring is Coming – Vancouver Gardens to Wander and Explore

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