Experience the Rockies in British Columbia Like Never Before

McDonald Creek

The Canadian Rockies are a major bucket list item and now you can check it off, or check it off for now, virtually. Take in the stunning scenery of the Canadian Rockies from home in this virtual tour with a live tour guide, which sets the bar HIGH for all other virtual tours. Continue reading:
Experience the Rockies in British Columbia Like Never Before

Outdoor Adventure in Vancouver

Grouse Mountain

It’s no secret that one of the best things about living in Vancouver is our access to some of the most spectacular wilderness that you’ll find anywhere in the world. TransLink has made getting far away from the hustle even faster and easier, and will get you there and back to the city safely with new COVID protocols in place.

So grab your mask and good pair of hiking shoes and set out on this day of high mountain adventure, with a few tasty pit stops thrown in to keep you going. Continue reading:
Outdoor Adventure in Vancouver

#VirtuallyVancouver – Enjoy Vancouver’s Cherry Blossoms from Home

It’s spring in Vancouver, and we all know this means the return of the much-awaited cherry blossom season. With social distancing, self-isolation, and flight restrictions in place, many Vancouverites and visitors from across the world are missing out on this beautiful show of nature. With more than 40,000 trees bursting with pink and white blooms all over the city right now, we’re bringing the blossoms to you. Enjoy! Continue reading:
#VirtuallyVancouver – Enjoy Vancouver’s Cherry Blossoms from Home

ENTER TO WIN Four Tickets to National Geographic Live’s “Birds of Paradise”!

A red bird of paradise adult male performing a practice display.

In a few short weeks, you’ll have the opportunity to dive deep into the lush wilderness of New Guinea to meet 39 species of birds of paradise – one of the world’s most astonishing avian creatures, whose secret lives, bizarre displays and sultry courtship antics are explored at National Geographic Live’s “Birds of Paradise”, presented by Vancouver Civic Theatres. Continue reading:
ENTER TO WIN Four Tickets to National Geographic Live’s “Birds of Paradise”!

5 Places to Get a Quick Nature Fix in Vancouver

Exploring nature in Vancouver, BC

Photo: Destination BC/Jordan Manley

By now you’ve probably seen countless news stories about how exposure to nature is good for us. It makes us happier, reduces stress and boosts creativity. According to scientists, just listening to birdsong and running water or smelling trees can help us chill out.

In Vancouver, you don’t even have to leave the city limits to spend some time in the woods. Here are five Vancouver parks with a wilderness feel, perfect for a quick nature fix in the city.

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5 Places to Get a Quick Nature Fix in Vancouver

Meet the Locals on Family Day

Photo: Kate Paton on Instagram @pacificnorthwestkate

In the distance, I could hear their distinctive howl. It began as a highly pitched series of yips and yelps which quickly escalated into an attention-grabbing chorus of sound as the pack joined in. Although I was in the heart of suburbia, I found myself captivated by the calls of a coyote pack. Unsure whether to feel frightened or excited, I froze in my tracks. I wondered what was causing all the excitement? I wondered if I was the source, having perhaps wandered too close to a den? Then, as if on cue, the howling stopped and the stillness of the evening prevailed. I suppose the party was over.

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Meet the Locals on Family Day

Take a ride on the wild side with the Vancouver Parkbus

garibaldi lake transit

Image courtesy of Parkbus | Facebook.com

The close proximity of nature to Vancouver’s city centre is one of the top reasons it’s one of the most spectacular destinations in the world. With parks, mountains, and oceans all easily accessible by transit, biking, or walking, it’s easy to escape into the forest when you’ve had enough of the buzz of city life.

However, if you want to explore a little further from the nearby nature, you’re likely going to need a car. For those without access to four wheels, the Vancouver Parkbus is offering you a ride to the great outdoors with an easy connection to nearby BC Parks.

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Take a ride on the wild side with the Vancouver Parkbus

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